Thursday, March 30, 2006
The Houston Chronicle - Still rooting against Tom Delay
Today The Houston Chronicle ran a D.C.-based story about comments NASA Administrator Mike Griffin made five days ago in Houston at an event with Congressman DeLay and the space community. The news? That the Chronicle was investigating whether or not Griffin’s praise of DeLay could be construed as an endorsement – a claim that, according to their story and ones that have followed from other news outlets – no one but the Chronicle was making.
According to the Chronicle story, Griffin made the following remarks at the dinner after being introduced by DeLay: “The space program has had no better friend in its entire existence than Tom DeLay,” Griffin said Friday of DeLay’s legislative support of the agency. "He's still with us and we need to keep him there.”
In the above line, the reporter clearly writes that Griffin made the comments in regard to DeLay’s legislative support. But the Chronicle then switches gears, claiming that Griffin’s next lines were an endorsement. Of DeLay’s legislative
accomplishments and goals? Yes. Of his political campaign? Only if you ask the Chronicle.
The Chronicle story mentions no complaints about any comments registered by any outside organization or individuals. In their never-ending quest to write negative stories about the leaders and issues that impact Houston the most, the Chronicle’s inaccurate interpretation of comments may now lead to an unnecessary investigation of the man who oversees the industry that’s responsible for the employment of more than 17,000 people in Clear Lake and contributes $2.4 billion to the local economy. We’d probably get better press from our competitors in China.
The Chronicle once again is rooting against the home team and undermining the work that many Houston area representatives have put into developing a strong relationship with the leadership at NASA. They went out of their way to go after Administrator Griffin and criticize his comments, when no one from NASA, DeLay’s office, or anywhere else was even touting it as an endorsement. The people of Houston have to apologize for our shoddy newspaper time and again, but this one could have a real impact on JSC and our space community.
And the most obvious question – a Chronicle reporter covered the event last week, yet they didn’t find Griffin’s comments newsworthy enough to report at the time. If they perceived this to be an endorsement, why didn’t they write about it in the first place instead of waiting five days to make a political accusation?
Skipping Out on the Real News Impacting JSC
The real news here isn’t what the Chronicle arbitrarily considers an endorsement, but why Griffin was in town and the actions behind those kind words. What the Chronicle refuses to report is in the last few years alone, DeLay has worked to:
1.) Secure full funding for NASA by refusing to bring any legislation to the floor that would delay the Shuttle program;
2.) Serve on the reorganized appropriations subcommittee that handles NASA
funding;3.) Lead the way for the drafting of a new NASA Authorization that puts the president’s Vision into law;
4.) Help secure an additional $3.1 billion to keep the
president’s vision for space exploration on track and on time.
The Bottom Line
If The Houston Chronicle would spend more time reporting the positive news impacting JSC and the NASA community, and less time trying to sabotage NASA’s proponents and leaders, the better off the Houston-area and our space program would be.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Supreme Court Hands Political Bloggers Free Speech Victory
The decision is formal acknowledgement of the political power of bloggers and places bloggers on equal footing with newspapers as media outlets.
Monday, March 27, 2006
In a blow to Democrat Nick Lampson, Delay picks up surprise endorsement from NASA
Congressman Delay " did pick up [a] surprisingly out of the norm endorsement over the weekend when NASA Adminstrator Michael Griffin asked those in the space community to send DeLay back to Washington."
"In his keynote speech to the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement Friday night, Griffin said DeLay was “the best friend NASA has” in Congress. He also said every effort should be made to re-elect him to office."
CD 22 Update: Friendswood Libertarian Bob Smither Joins race against Delay, Lampson, and Stockman
The engineering consultant is known for the tragic case that involved the kidnapping and murder of his daughter Laura Smither. The 12-year-old Friendswood girl was out for a jog in April 1997 when she was abducted. Her body was found a 17 days later in a pond not far from her home.
Smither and his wife, Gay, helped found the Laura Recovery Center, a nationally recognized center that helps search for missing children. The center also serves as a national advocate for laws to keep children safe.
Smither said one of his main campaign issues would be pushing for the Fair Tax, or national sales tax system, to replace federal income taxes. On that issue he finds himself on the same side of the issue as DeLay who is leading an effort to get the Fair Tax plan passed within the next two months.
“The income tax discourages investment, raises the price of all of our goods, makes us less competitive in the world marketplace, encourages corruption of our elected representatives and destroys our rights,” said Smither. “The Fair Tax will reduce the price of manufactured goods an estimated 20 to 30 percent, all but eliminate the compliance cost of tax collection, eliminate the IRS and be much fairer and transparent than our current system.
”Smither wasn’t the only one this weekend working to get himself on the November ballot for the District 22 seat. Former Congressman Steve Stockman and his supporters were busy gathering signatures to get him placed on the ballot as an independent. Stockman, who served one term in Congress as a Republican in the mid-1990s, has to gather 500 signatures from registered voters in the district who did not vote in either primary.
Are You a Conservative? Take the World's Smallest Political Quiz and be sure.
With all of the discussion about political labels, Liberal, Moderate, Centrist, Conservative, etc; it is helpful to gain a clear understanding about what the various belief systems mean and where you stand in the political spectrum.
If you have not taken it yet, you should join over 3,000,000 people and take The World’s Smallest Political Quiz.
Developed by David Nolan, the co-founder of the Libertarian Party, the quiz is a quick (less than 2 minutes) online quiz that tends to give people very accurate snapshots of their political philosophy.
As it happens; I am a conservative.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Lincoln Day Dinners -This Week
The Brazoria County Republican Party event will feature my fellow Aggie, Governor Rick Perry, on Thursday, March 30th at 6:30p at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Angelton.
The Bay Area Republican Woman event will feature KTRH AM 740 radio personality Chris Baker who will be introduced by US Congressman Tom Delay on Saturday, April 1st at 6p at the Nassau Bay Hilton.
Former Congressman Stockman confirms Independent run for Tom Delay's seat
According to a recent article in Congressional Quarterly, former US Congressman Steve Stockman confirmed his intention to run against current congressman and Republican nominee, Tom Delay for the CD 22 seat.
Sounding confident, Stockman stated in the article that he was “running to win” and that he will collect “more than enough” signatures of voters who have not voted in the Democrat or Republican primary or runoff.
Stockman needs 500 signatures by May 11th to secure a place on the ballot.
Human Events online also has an exclusive interview with Stockman in January where Stockman shares his thoughts about why he ws entering the race.
According to Wikipedia, Stockman now serves as director of the Campus Leadership Program at the Leadership Institute in Arlington, Virginia, and is an Independent Candidate for DeLay's seat.
Stockman said that DeLay's legal troubles mean the Republicans may not be able to hold the congressional seat so he is running as an independent to conserve GOP options in the November 2006 general election.
Stockman said that he intends to aim his candidacy at his old Democratic nemesis, former Congressman Nick Lampson who is the Democratic nominee for the seat.
Hat tip to Greg in TX22
Democrats dejected: Abramoff clears local US Congressman Tom Delay
Delay's 22nd Congressional District now includes areas in Galveston County and the Harris County section of League City.
According to Robert Novak writing for Townhall:
WASHINGTON -- Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff has advised friends that he has no derogatory information about former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and is not implicating him as part of his plea bargain with federal prosecutors.
Abramoff's guilty plea on fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy charges requires him to provide evidence about members of Congress. That led to speculation that this would mean trouble for DeLay, who faces money laundering and conspiracy charges in Texas.
However, Abramoff has not given a clean bill of health to any other congressman -- including Rep. Robert Ney, who has stepped down as chairman of the House Administration Committee. Ney was the only member of Congress named in court papers connected with Abramoff's guilty plea Jan. 4.
Hat Tip to The Drudge Report
Friendswood fundraiser for League City resident Dr. Robin Armstrong, candidate for Vice-Chairman, Republican Party of Texas

Dr. Robin Armstrong is currently the State Republican Excutive Committeeman for Senate District 11 which covers League City. Robin and his wife, Dr. Martha Armstrong, live here in League City. Robin is also the President of the Galveston County Medical Society.
Robin is running for the Vice Chairmanship of the Republican Party of Texas. His race will be voted on by the delegates to the Republican State Convention in San Antonio, June 2 -3rd.
Robin is having a fundraiser on Thursday, March 30th, from 5:30p - 7p at the Friendswood home of Rick and Marian Pruet at 407 Charleston.
Please make plans to stop by to meet and support Robin in his bid for Vice-Chairman.
He has been endorsed by Galveston County GOP Chairman Kevin Corcoran, U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, State Senator Kyle Janek, State Representatives Larry Taylor and Robert Talton, Galveston County Commissioner Ken Clark, County Treasurer Kevin C. Walsh, CPA, and County Tax Assessor Cheryl E. Johnson among other elected officials.
Campbell Endorses Choate in April 11th Republican Primary Runoff Election For County Commissioner Precinct Two

(Santa Fe) – J.L. “Bubba” Campbell, the 2004 Republican Nominee for Sheriff and the front-runner for the 2008 Republican nomination for Sheriff, threw his support behind Albert Choate in the April 11th runoff election.
“I strongly endorse Albert Choate in the Republican primary runoff election for County Commissioner Precinct Two,” said Campbell.
“Albert is a man of integrity who shares our conservative values. The County Commissioner for Precinct Two is too important a job to give to someone who doesn’t have any experience. Albert assured me that he would be a full-time commissioner, that he would be actively involved in the Santa Fe community, and that he would support efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Sheriff’s department; those issues are very important to me.”
Choate commented, “I appreciate the strong endorsement by Bubba Campbell, and I look forward to meeting the Kevin O’ Brien voters who didn’t vote for me and earning their support.”
Towards that end, the Choate campaign announced a campaign event in Santa Fe at Haak Winery, on Wednesday, March 29th from 5p – 7p. The public is invited.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Immigration Update from Texas Conservative Review
Senator Cornyn reports that he will not play ball with Ted Kennedy on immigration and will not agree to amnesty first but will insist on control of the borders first and believes then and only then can we discuss what to do with illegals in the country. He also reports that the Reuters story about a closed door meeting on a deal with Kennedy never happened. Please see the attached press release.
Thank you,
Gary Polland
United States Senator – Texas
CONTACT: John Drogin(202) 224-0703 office, (202) 494-8472 cell
March 24, 2006
I’ll vote against any immigration reform proposal that rewards illegal immigrants, Cornyn says
AUSTIN—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the Immigration and Border Security subcommittee, made the following statement Friday. His comments come in advance of the Judiciary Committee finishing work this Monday on border security and immigration reform legislation and the full Senate taking up debate:“I’m announcing today that I will vote against any immigration reform proposal that contains the guest worker provisions in the McCain-Kennedy bill. In my view, their proposal rewards illegal immigrants and will be considered an amnesty by Americans. It will encourage further disrespect for our laws, and will undercut our efforts to shore up homeland security.
“I have always had three goals in seeking comprehensive immigration reform: to improve our security and obtain control over our borders; to identify those now in our country without documentation and provide a route for them to return home and get into compliance with our laws; and to do this with minimal disruption to our economy.
The Cornyn-Kyl bill achieves these objectives.“Adding border security measures to the McCain-Kennedy bill is not enough. Any proposal that allows every single illegal alien to remain in the U.S., pay a fine and obtain permanent residence status is not acceptable; it will simply encourage additional persons to evade our laws.
“I remain committed to a comprehensive solution to our immigration situation, one that includes additional border security, interior enforcement, and employer accountability. And while we must address the12 million illegal aliens already here, we have to do so without granting them amnesty.”
Sens. Cornyn and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) are the authors of The Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005 (S.1438). The legislation will strengthen enforcement, bolster border security, and reform immigration laws.
For more information about the Cornyn-Kyl bill:
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Former League City Mayor Pat Hallisey calls on Councilwoman Benoit to resign
The following letter was submitted to the Guidrynews by former League City Mayor Pat Hallisey.
He appears upset that Councilmember Benoit withdrew her name from the ballot for the upcoming LC council election, he is "disgusted" by her actions and thinks Mr. Samuelson (who signed up before Ms. Benoit) should be ashamed for winning the seat unopposed and should resign his candidacy.
Yet I have not seen any sense of outrage when the opponent for the CCISD Trustee election who was running against Dee Scott withdrew his name from that race, allowing the election to be cancelled and Ms. Scott to win unopposed.
Now, why do you suppose that Mr. Hallisey is outraged about Ms. Benoit, but not Ms. Scott?
It wouldn't have anything to do with settling old LC political scores; would it?
Letter to the Editor by Pat Hallisey
March 22, 2006
I am shocked and bewildered at the disgusting actions of Katie Benoit. This incumbent Pos. 4 League City Council Member filed for re-election (with no intention of running) to keep the number of potential candidates interested in that seat to a minimum, all in hopes that a hand picked person could be anointed as the new Council Member Pos. 4.
The past several weeks rumors have been abundant that Ms Benoit was going to pull out at the last possible minute and allow Chris Samuelson to walk into Office unopposed. We will never know who might have been interested in serving this community because an open seat would have surely generated interest and potentially more citizens who wanted to run.
Anointing our leaders has never been an accepted part of the democratic process. Shame on Ms. Benoit who forever will be a blemish on the history of League City. Shame on Chris Samuelson who will walk into office without ever knowing whether his goals and objectives were acceptable to the people of this community.
I always find it amusing that so many people knew and talked about this before it happened. It is another a sad day for League City.
If Katie Benoit thinks so little of League City and of the democracy it represents, then she should submit her resignation immediately. Chris Samuelson, who I believe did a disservice to the Citizens of League City should also do the right thing and resign his candidacy.
This stinks and so do those involved! Whoever they might be! There is just no other way to spin it!
Pat Hallisey
Help Lynn Swann get elected as the next Governor of Pennsylvania
Dear Fellow Conservative,
It is important that the next Governor of Pennsylvania share the traditional values we hold dear. My moral compass, my integrity and my character, is based on Christian values because that's the way I was raised. These core conservative values will guide me in making important decisions as Governor.
To spread my message of traditional values, I need support from conservative activists like you. That's why I'm asking you to please make a secure online contribution today.
I believe that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has an obligation to protect its citizens, including the most innocent among us - the unborn. I am in favor of life and don't believe in abortion. I believe we should look for alternative measures other than abortion.
I support extending protections to the unborn. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade, I will sign a bill the legislature sends me extending additional protections to the unborn.
Until that time, I will continue attempting to create a culture of life, both by using legislation as well as using the bully pulpit of the office. I'll work to reduce the numbers of abortions by encouraging alternatives, including adoption and abstinence.
On March 27th, we must file a report disclosing how much money we have raised. This is how the press and opposition will measure how serious my campaign is. Please make your donation right away before our March 27th fundraising filing deadline so I can spread my message of traditional values to the voters.
I am counting on support from conservatives like you to join my team. I'm running neck and neck with my opponent, Democrat incumbent, Ed Rendell. In 2002, he spent over $42 million to get elected and is expected to spend even more in 2006.
The Governor is so worried that he has even talked about launching a television assault against us starting any day now!
We need to raise as much money as possible in the next week to get out my message of traditional values to Pennsylvania voters. That's why it's so important you make your secure online donation immediately!
The left wing attacks on my conservative agenda for change have already started. I need your help to combat their enormous war chest. Together we can work as a team to bring positive change to Pennsylvania. Thank you for your support!
Lynn Swann
P.S. Pennsylvania has an obligation to protect its citizens - especially the unborn. Please join my team today to bring conservative values to the Governor's office!
©2006 Paid for by Swann for Governor
P.O. Box 3501 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-3501
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
City Councilwoman Katie Benoit withdraws from LC Council race
As there were no write–in candidates who filed, her withdrawal gives local attorney and Planning and Zoning Commission member Chris Samuelson the first uncontested city council seat in League City in a number of years.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Temporary Format Change for Anything League City
Mr. Mallios and I will only have two more Point/ Counterpoint segments left until we take a hiatus requested by Marc Edelman who runs the show.
Starting on April 5th, Anything League City will focus on the League City Council candidates until May 10th. Chris and I will still give our 3 minute reports, but there will be no Point / Counter point.
This Wednesday, March 22nd Democrat State Rep Craig Eiland from Galveston will be our guest and our Point / Counterpoint topic will be – “What should the city do about the Butler Longhorn Museum project in League City??
Our guest on March 29th is Democrat County Judge Jim Yarbrough.
Yet another reason why friends don't let friends vote Democrat
Yesterday, the Galveston Daily News ran a story where Criss attacks Republican Tax Assessor Cheryl Johnson for voter registration irregularities; and appallingly, he does so without a shred of evidence.
Criss even threatened legal action against Johnson if “proper answers or actions are not forthcoming.”
This is another example of the Democrats tired “We-don’t-have–any-ideas- to-win-an-election-so-we’ll-attack-the-Republicans” strategy.
In League City:
Former Mayor Pat Hallisey tried it against Chris Stevens; Stevens won 77% of the primary votes.
Former Councilwoman Elaine Kosty tried to attack Mayor Shults about proclamations; proclamations are still on channel 16.
The extreme left Democrat bloggers in League City tried it; and they couldn’t even get a Democrat to file, much less run for, a council seat. All 7 candidates for the council this year are Republicans.
LC Democrat Precinct Chairman Chris Mallios and his left wing nuts have attacked me repeatedly for several months on various flavor of the month issues – and I am not only surviving but thriving.
At the county level, Lloyd Criss and the entire Democratic Party nationally have been attacking Tom Delay for over a year; Tom just took 62% of the vote in a 4 person field in the primary.
Someone, Lloyd says it wasn’t Democrats, tried it against Albert Choate; Albert took 40% of the vote in the primary and is the front-runner in the April 11th runoff.
And now, here comes Lloyd’s latest baseless attack against a Republican - Tax Assessor Cheryl Johnson; an attack so meritless that members of his own party say it’s off base.
I don’t even know were to start with Lloyd.
Maybe Lloyd didn’t get the memo that this is 2006 and not 1966.
Maybe he hasn’t looked at every statewide race in Texas for the past decade and noticed the lack of a Democrat.
Maybe he hasn’t noticed in the past few years that Democrats in Galveston County – the party he leads – lose seats countywide.
Maybe he hasn’t figured out that the politics of personal destruction don’t work and that voters are smarter than that.
Or maybe he has, but his myopic fixation will all things Republican doesn’t allow him to see that his party has been hijacked by far left extremists; extremists whose views don’t mirror the traditional conservative values of the mainstream voters in Galveston County.
I think the rhetoric of Democratic Party officials and activists like Criss and Mallios has sunk to a new low that will be rejected by voters in League City in May and in Galveston County in November.
The kind of words we're hearing now from Democratic activists and bloggers in League City and Galveston County has gone beyond political debate — it has risen to the level of political hate speech.
They are so hateful and vitriolic that reasonable people have to wonder why?
I have the answer.
They do it because they don’t have any ideas that resonate with voters. They do it because in many parts of Galveston County, starting north and heading south, the Democrat party of 2006 is bordering on irrelevance and they have no clue how to reach the mainstream voters that decide elections; which is the same problem, they have on a national level.
2006 will be a key election for Republicans at every level.
According to the Republican National Committee, our economy is strong.Here in Galveston County voters will choose in 2006 between a Party that has a pro-growth agenda, and one with a clear record of another kind of growth: growth in your taxes, growth in trial lawyers’ fees, and growth in what you pay at the gas pump.
We see it in a growing GDP, low unemployment, and a shrinking deficit.
But in a world where it is just as easy to create a job in Lima, Peru as it is in Lima, Ohio, we need to reduce taxation, regulation and litigation to keep jobs here.
We must decrease our dependence on Middle East oil and increase home grown, clean, reliable and safe sources of energy.
And we need a workforce that can take advantage of the jobs we are creating … which means we need the best education system in the world.
While Republicans have a plan to keep America competitive in the future, Democrats, like your favorite used car salesmen, ‘have a deal for you.’
They’re trying to convince you that they’re for more homegrown energy – they just don’t want to explore for it, drill for it, produce it, refine it, transport it, or let you use it.
They’re trying to sell you on better health care – but they want to take prescription drugs away from seniors, put government between you and your doctor, and protect trial lawyers’ frivolous lawsuits.
They want you to believe they favor education reform – that is, unless it involves more choice, higher standards and more accountability.
And here’s the biggest whopper of them all: They claim the mantle of fiscal responsibility, but their solution to every problem is the same: You pay more taxes.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, House Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi called for higher taxes.
To support our troops in Iraq, Hillary Clinton’s plan: higher taxes.
They argued against cutting taxes when we had a surplus … and still wanted to raise them when the economy went into recession.
There is one more reason the 2006 election is so urgent.
One of our nation’s oldest and most important principles is that we vote representatives into office to make our laws … and if we don’t like the laws, we have the power to vote those representatives out again.
Republicans stand for democracy; we stand for the Constitution; and that means we stand against judicial activism.
And in 2006, we will choose whether we will continue to put judges on the bench in Galveston County who will interpret the law, not invent it.
Go to the Galveston County Republican Party website. We need to keep strong conservative judges like John Ellisor on the bench and elect judicial candidates like Miles Whittington, Bret Griffin, Jack Roady, and Chuck Kaufmann.
The Democrats and their liberal special interest allies are working hard to keep Democrats on the bench in Galveston County.
Democrats, of course, will assure us that all they’re doing is making sure that justice is served.
But once again, what they say doesn’t match what they do.
Because what they’re really doing is fighting for an activist judiciary that they depend on to carry out their liberal agenda. Just look at what’s going on at the federal level:
If you want to strike ‘Under God’ from the Pledge …
If you want to take private property from one person and give it to another …
If you want to base decisions on the laws of other countries …
If you want to deny parents the right to know if their minor daughter is having an abortion …
… you need activist judges, because Republicans have proven you can’t possibly win those issues at the ballot box.
That is what is at stake this year.
That is the choice we will make in November.
And that is why Republicans cannot rest; we cannot coast.
We need to get to work right now – not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, but now.
And we must make clear to all of Galveston County the differences between our parties.
While they attack people, we attack problems.
While they look at polls, we will lead on principle.
While they will say anything to win the next election, we will do the right things to win our future.
There is a real choice in 2006. There is an urgent choice.
These elections matter. Not just for our party; but for our country.
Friday, March 17, 2006
League City municipal election update - 3/17
The League City Chamber will sponsor a candidate’s forum for the LC City Council races. It will be held on Thursday, April 20th from 6p – 9p at the City Council Chambers and will be shown live on Channel 16 as well as replayed from April 20th till the May 13th elections. Please make plans to attend and hear what the candidates have to say.
Butler Longhorn Museum (BLM)
A City Council workshop with the contractors and city staff who have worked on BLM has been scheduled at the site at the corner of Coryell and Wisconsin.
The workshop will be held on Monday, April 17th at 6p.
If you have a desire to get the full story on BLM, and want to see how council plans to extricate us from this project; make plans to attend this meeting. Hopefully we can stop it before it becomes another Big League Dreams.
It may have been a good concept at one time, but the process has been so flawed for so long that there is no way to recover from it. It’s time to stop throwing good taxpayer money after bad and cut our losses before it becomes a $4 or $6 million dollar white elephant.
I have said for several years that I don’t think the city should be in the development business. If the museum is that great of an idea, then let the Friends of the Butler Longhorns or private developers or a non-profit build it and run it.
I’d rather the city use the $2M to put some sidewalks on Beaumont Street.
Candidate Updates
The following position 3 candidate websites are up in addition to Mike Lee:
Enrique de Leon:
Incumbent Tommy Cones:
Monday, March 20th at 5p is the deadline for write-in candidates to file with the city secretary’s office.
Tuesday, March 21st at 5p is the deadline to remove your name from the ballot if you have already filed.
I understand there is a growing movement among the D’s to draft Chris Mallios into the position 4 race as a write-in which would be a fruitless, although entertaining exercise.
After all if Mallios actually files for office, he would have to back up his rhetoric with real ideas. Plus, he would have to break his unnatural fixation with me.
A conservative Republican can only dream…..
Aggie's Dance card Punched for the 2nd Round of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament!

Gather up your Aggie friends and go watch the Aggie's Beat the Hell Outa LSU at Fox Sports Grill in the Galleria Mall. The game will be shown on Fox Grill's big screen TV systems.
Saturday March 17, 2006 starting at 4:00 p.m. Tip-off time for the game is 4:50 p.m.
A special area will be reserved for Aggies to watch the game together.
Gig 'Em Aggies!
Patterson stands up against extremists in Veterans Cemetary Protest

Update: 3/26/06: TMR received word that the extremists who tried disturb the funeral were from a Kansas based hate group that masquerades as a church. They are not affiliated with liberals, moderates, or conservatives; just hate. All the more reason for them to be stopped from desecrating the funeral of a soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Our good friend, true patriot, and fellow Aggie Jerry Patterson released the following statement today. It just goes to show that the battle against extremists is never-ending.
AUSTIN — Jerry Patterson, Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office, released the following statement today regarding the plans of a Topeka, Kansas-based church to protest at the funeral services of Pfc. Amy Duerksen. Pfc. Duerksen died in Iraq on March 11th.
“The policy at the Texas State Veterans Cemetery is that attendance at funerals is limited to friends and families of the fallen,” said Patterson, chairman of the Texas Veterans Land Board. “I will not allow a disturbance to degrade the sanctity of this hallowed ground. I respect the First Amendment right to protest, but I have a duty to protect the rights of those who have given their lives to defend American freedoms.”
Pfc. Duerksen graduated from Charis Christian High School in Copperas Cove in 2005 and joined the United States Army. She trained in signal systems equipment repair at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina and was stationed at Ft. Hood prior to her deployment to Iraq. She was promoted to Private First Class on March 1. Pfc. Duerksen comes from a military family, her father is a Chaplin in the U.S. Army.
“She is a hero and Texans are grateful to have soldiers like her, protecting the freedoms each of us holds dear,” Patterson said. “She will be buried with full military honors and in peace — her family deserves no less.”
Thursday, March 16, 2006
The Aggie's are going to The Show !!!
The Texas A&M men’s basketball team will meet No. 21-ranked Syracuse tonight at approximately 8:40 p.m. (CST) in the first round of the 2006 NCAA Tournament at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena.
The Lady Aggies women's basketball team earned a No. 6 seed in the Cleveland Regional and will face No. 11-seed TCU on Sunday, March 19 at approximately 8:30 p.m. (CST) at Sovereign Bank Arena in Trenton, N.J.
Go to the A & M athletics website to hear the games live or find out where the games are being shown in your area.
Gig ‘em
ACTION ALERT: From Congressman Ron Paul’s Liberty Committee - Don't be silenced!
Whether they are in Washington, Moscow, Beijing, Paris or Sydney, the political and media elites are afraid you will eventually know too much and say too much. Which is why they are determined to control the Internet in whatever ways they can.
This afternoon, the U.S. House will vote on the Online Freedom of Speech Act (H.R. 1606). We strongly urge a "yes" vote, as do organizations such as Gun Owners of America, National Taxpayers Union, National Right to Life Committee, Family Research Council, National Rifle Association, and American Conservative Union.
H.R. 1606 is needed because federal courts have ordered the Federal Election Commission to regulate "electioneering communications" on the Internet because of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act (McCain-Feingold).
If H.R. 1606 fails to become law, your Web site or blog could be shut down for the 30 days prior to a primary election and the 60 days prior to a general election should you express "electioneering communications."
And any political e-mail you send during those times supporting or denouncing a candidate could also be disallowed. So, grass-roots political activism will be silenced. But the media elite, such as the New York Times, won't be muzzled because they are exempt as members of the "official press." They will be allowed to continue writing editorials about various candidates, but you won't have approval from the State to say a word.
By the way, The New York Times had an editorial on 3/15/06 urging a "no" vote on H.R. 1606. The vote will be held today.
Please urge your U.S. representative to vote "yes" on H.R. 1606. To send your message, go to
Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Texas Land Commissioner Patterson to hold free seminar for Texas veterans
Commissioner Patterson, who is also Chairman of the Texas Veterans Land Board, will hold the free seminar on Tuesday, April 11 at the Houston Marriott Westchase.
Registration will begin at 6 p.m. and the seminar will start at 7 p.m. For more information please call Mike McReaken with the Texas Veterans Land Board at 713-383-2729 or 1-800-252-VETS (8387).
Texas Veterans Land Board staff will discuss: · Texas State Veterans Homes, which provide long-term, skilled nursing care in state-of-the-art facilities. These nursing homes were built entirely for Texas veterans, their spouses and Gold Star parents. · Texas State Veterans Cemeteries for Texas veterans and their spouses. · Low-cost home loans for veterans. · Low-cost land loans for veterans. · Low-cost home improvement loans for veterans.
League City Councilman Mike Barber is tonight's guest on Anything League City
Mike is asking anyone with comments to e-mail him at:
The BLM is going to be a campaign issue this election cycle as well. Council candidate Mike Lee has a survey on his website seeking comments about what should be done with the project as of now at:
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Should Galveston County Reduce the Number of Elected Constables and JPs?
With the problems of the recently resigned Pct 3 Constable, this may be a good time to look at reducing the number of elected constables and JPs and giving their deputy positions to the Sheriff’s department.
I think as conservatives, we should all support a good idea to save the taxpayers money, even if it comes from a Democrat.
That having been said, please take the current survey on my website, and let me know what you think.
Friday, March 10, 2006
League City City Council Election Update
Several incumbents have signed up and will try and battle the anti-incumbent sentiment that has befallen incumbents since Channel 16 started airing.
The spending of taxpayer money on Big League Dreams (which has yet to turn a profit) and the Butler Longhorn Museum (which has yet to open its doors) are sure to be big issues in the race, as well as a solution to the wastewater capacity crisis caused by League City’s explosive growth.
Filing ends Monday for the City Council and CCISD elections, but here is how the races are shaping up so far.
Position 3
Incumbent City Councilman Tommy Cones faces a challenge from newcomers Mike Lee and Enrique de Leon. There was talk about Fred Forshey filing as well, but so far that has yet to happen.
**Disclosure ** - Mike Lee is a Markum Group client and his website is at: , logon on and take his survey about what the city should do with the Butler Longhorn Museum project (1.5 Million dollars and counting)
Position 4
Incumbent City Council woman Katie Benoit faces a challenge from local attorney and P & Z member Chris Samuelson.
Position 5
Councilman Rusty Tidwell is not running for his position and two of the candidates from last year will battle it out again. Phyllis Wilson Sanborn who lost in a runoff to Councilman Tad Nelson last year, will face Tim Paulissen who also ran last year against Nelson, but did not make the runoff.
**Disclosure** - Phyllis Wilson Sanborn is a Markum Group client and her website is at: .
And to everyone who has e-mailed me; yes she is a Republican. She says she got swept up last year and is running an independent campaign this year. She says she is running to keep children first in the city’s plans and decisions. If you have any questions, I would invite you to e-mail her or call her and ask her yourself.
In a side note, I saw former Councilman Keith Dill today at lunch and had a very informative discussion with him, but no decision has been made.
Republican Primary Recap
Bret Griffin is now the Republican nominee for the County Court # 2 race against incumbent Trey Dibrell in November.
Albert Choate’s campaign for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner Precinct Two continues to show momentum and gain support from conservative voters from Galveston to League City. Choate won 40% of the vote in the primary election making him the top vote getter in the primary and launching him into the April 11th runoff against Eddie Janek, Jr.
Albert sought and accepted the endorsement of former Republican County Commissioner candidate, Kevin O’ Brien and is preparing a vigorous campaign for the next month to win the nomination out right.
Both Choate and Janek have been invited to attend the April 5th show of Anything League City to help League City’s Republican voters decide who to represent them. You can vote in the runoff even if you did not vote in the primary as long as you don’t sign any petitions for independent candidates in other races.
In a related item, Tom Delay swept to the Republican nomination garnering 62% of the vote (68% here in Galveston County) and he is now ready to battle Democrat Nick Lampson for the Dist 22 seat. I have a Perry’s Grille pork chop riding on Tom and I urge all the conservatives in his district to send a message to the liberals in NY and Hollywood and vote Tom back into office.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Candidate for Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas on tonight's Anything League City
Also, Mallios and I will debate the Democrats call for an increase in the minimum wage and I'll give you my take on why the Democrats want to attack me instead of the failed ideas of their party.