The Markum Report - The Conservative Blog of Galveston County, Texas: It's not just Republicans - Democrat Leaders say Obama is Vulnerable Ladies and Gentlemen.... Now Forming at the North End of Kyle Field... the Nationally Famous.. Fightin' Texas Aggie Band !

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's not just Republicans - Democrat Leaders say Obama is Vulnerable

The Houston Chronicle is reporting that Democrats are finally figuring out what we on the right have always known: Barack Obama is vulnerable. In a classic battle of style over substance, the American people, Democrats included, are waking up to the fact that the American President has to have some gravitas.

McCain's stock went way up with conservatives when he said he sees the KGB when he looks at Putin. Period. Barak Obama is not ready for the President's chair because he lacks experience and no amount of motivational rhetoric can change that.

I wonder why either candidate, or even the president for that matter, feels the need to involve themselves in what these two sovereign nations are doing. One of my favorite Jefferson quotes is, "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations -- entangling alliances with none." But look as how many treaties America has now, from NAFTA to NATO. Now, our NATO alliance is causing us more grief.
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