The Markum Report - The Conservative Blog of Galveston County, Texas: The liberal mind: Exhibit 1 - Priscilla Slade Ladies and Gentlemen.... Now Forming at the North End of Kyle Field... the Nationally Famous.. Fightin' Texas Aggie Band !

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

The liberal mind: Exhibit 1 - Priscilla Slade

It is always entertaining to me to see how liberals want to have their cake and eat it too.

Case in point, the former President of Texas Southern University. Priscilla Slade was removed by the Board of Regents (rightfully so) after using more than $160,000 of taxpayer money to furnish the house she bought as President.

She has now been indicted on felony theft charges and is awaiting trial. Instead of focusing on her obvious ethical challenges, Slade heads back to the classroom to teach accounting because she has tenure.

Tenure? She was fired as President, indicted for felony theft and now she wants to teach accounting to students??!!!

Thank God the university fathers have some sense and have started proceedings to remove her from her position.

The mind of the liberal is amazing.

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