The Markum Report - The Conservative Blog of Galveston County, Texas: Federal Judge sets Monday June 26th hearing on Dem attempt to stop Republicans from selecting a replacement nominee to go against Lampson Ladies and Gentlemen.... Now Forming at the North End of Kyle Field... the Nationally Famous.. Fightin' Texas Aggie Band !

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Federal Judge sets Monday June 26th hearing on Dem attempt to stop Republicans from selecting a replacement nominee to go against Lampson

Democrats can't win elections in Texas at the ballot box, so their strategy to try and win the CD 22 seat is to tie the selection up in court.

You would think that if Nick is sitting on $1.5 million, he wouldn't care who the Republicans pick. If the Democrats had an agenda, that mainstream Texans supported, it wouldn't matter who Nick was running against.

But as many of us have seen, the Democrat party is in such disarray, is in such a shambles that their best chance of winning an election is when there is no Republican nominee.

The Star-Telegram is reporting that a hearing in federal court has been set on the Democrats dubious claims that the Republican Party of Texas should not be able to name a replacement nominee for the November ballot.

Every day the Democrats try and deny Republican voters, through their duly elected Precinct Chairs, a chance to select a replacement nominee, they improve our nominee's chances of unifying the Republican base and beating Nick Lampson.

Conservatives throughout this district and throughout the country will come together like never before, just to make the point that CD 22 is not just a Republican district, but it's a conservative Republican district and Nick Lampson does not represent the values of CD 22.

The Democrat leadership and the Lampson campaign may do well to heed one of my favorite sayings - "You can run if you want to, but you'll just be tired when we catch you".

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