The Markum Report - The Conservative Blog of Galveston County, Texas: League City - "Mock" City Council Worship with CCISD Students sitting in for Mayor and Council - Tuesday, April 25 - 5p Ladies and Gentlemen.... Now Forming at the North End of Kyle Field... the Nationally Famous.. Fightin' Texas Aggie Band !

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Friday, April 21, 2006

League City - "Mock" City Council Worship with CCISD Students sitting in for Mayor and Council - Tuesday, April 25 - 5p

League City Mayor Shults announced that there is a mock city council workshop on Tuesday, April 25th at 5p. This is a worskhop for high school students to learn how government works.

CCISD high school students will sit in for the Mayor and Council and discuss items of interest to their constituents including: a discussion of merit awards, a student court, and contrat grading.

The city will hold a reception for the students and their families at the end of the workshop.

Mayor Shults stated, "This should be an excellent opportunity for both students and parents to participate in their local city government. We will take pictures and issue proclamations at the conclusion of the meeting. I also believe that anything we can do to continue to strengthen our relationship with CCISD will benefit all of League City and CCISD as well."

The public is encouraged to attend.


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